Good morning everyone, welcome back to my channel. In today's video, I am going to show you how to fill out the form Form 130-A, or the supplemental information for spouse beneficiary. Again, this is also part of the I-130 petition for alien relative. Okay, so let's start. So, this is the form Supplemental Information for a Spouse Beneficiary, also called US Form I-130-A. Let's start. Okay, part 1 is information about you, the spouse beneficiary. Your full name. Okay, number 1 - that is an 'A' because we don't have an Alien Registration Number. Number 2 - we don't have that, so let's proceed. Your full name - Your name is Young IV. Hi 18, that's my full name. Then, address history. This is my address for the last five years. So, the street number is Barack Cinco, then just put 'N/A' here because we don't have an apartment suite or floor. In the city or town, it's Kamuning. And the province is Manila. We don't have a state. Then the zip code is 6343, postal code is 6300. The country is the Philippines. The next one is Date From - what date? So it started from the day I was born, July 27, 1989, up to present. You can put 'Present' in here, just don't allow me to put 'Present'. Okay, I used a pen to do that. Then, the physical address number 2: This is an 'A' because I don't have a physical address number 2. Then we'll just go through. Okay, the last physical address outside the United States. So, the same again, this is my address - Barack Cinco, Kamuning, Manila, 6300, Philippines. Next is Part 1 - Information About You, the Spouse Beneficiary. Alright, one - Date From. Actually, this is continuation of here, 8....
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i-130a sample 2025 Form: What You Should Know
Who File Form I-130? U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents. Spouses. For a spouse requesting a visa to enter the United States. Family members of a family member seeking a visa to enter the United States at your U.S. permanent residence. Unmarried adults of any age. For any other person Petitioner's spouse and all children who would be green card holders. Parents of a green card holder. You will receive your spouse's birth certificate, a copy of the marriage document (called a “certificate of civil marriage” in the U.S.), and the required forms for requesting a marriage-based green card. Note: If the spouse already lives in the United States and has a green card, or if a spouse wants to marry a green card holder in another country, they cannot also file the I-130. Instead, you must first obtain a letter of introduction from your relative, then you can file Form I-130 with Form I-485. (For more information, see Filing a P-1 Visa with Form I-485 — USCIS FAQs — USCIS Letter of Introduction [1040.1, 1040.2, 1040.3]) U.S. Citizens and Legally Immigrant Household Members who wish to sponsor their own spouse or children to live and establish citizenship with their family in the United States. If a U.S. citizen lives on the basis of a U.S. visa, and also lives with a U.S. citizen and a U.S. citizen's child or parents, the U.S. citizen can file Form I-130A, Petition for Alien Relative. If multiple U.S. citizens live on the basis of a U.S. visa and also live with a U.S. citizen and an eligible child, that child cannot file Form I-130A, because it is not clear which relationship is the U.S. citizen's “first”. USCIS is required to ask this question on the I-130A petition but not on the I-485 petition. Therefore, USCIS will not grant a green card to a child living in the U.S. with a parent who is not a U.S. citizen. Therefore, child, parents, etc., are called “prospective sponsors”. A U.S. citizen spouse and a U.S.
online solutions help you to manage your record administration along with raise the efficiency of the workflows. Stick to the fast guide to do Form I-130, steer clear of blunders along with furnish it in a timely manner:
How to complete any Form I-130 online: - On the site with all the document, click on Begin immediately along with complete for the editor.
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PDF editor permits you to help make changes to your Form I-130 from the internet connected gadget, personalize it based on your requirements, indicator this in electronic format and also disperse differently.
Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Form i-130a sample 2025